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burning oil
burning oil
ok guys ive just had my replacment engine fitted by toyota themselves .. engine and everything is great it runs exellent .. but .. at tick over it is burning oil quite bad .. give it a few revs and it goes away but comes back after a few min .. no smoke whatsoever when actualy running it ??????? it goes back in tomorrow for couple of hours as the oil pressure guage is not working .. when i turn on ignition it goes off the scale and once i start it 10 seconds later it drops of the scale .. prob with switch ... but could the burning oil be because its a replacement engine and prob been lying upside down etc and got oil where it aint meant to be ???? help please
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hi mate .. its deff oil .. it stinks .. but no smoke under load only after its been siting ticking over for a while (but not when cold).. when its smoking if you give it a rev or two you cant see the back of truck but it clears and no smoke for a few min then smoke again .......but deff not smoke whatsoever when driving it... ???????
I'd say the smoke problem is caused by worn valve stem seals.When idling the throttle butterfly is closed and a slight vacuum effect in cylinders sucks the oil in.This will usually clear after throttle is opened.
The oil pressure gauge problem may be incorrect sender.There are two types.One I think reads 0-90 ohms and the other 90-0 ohms.The wrong one will cause the gauge to operate backwards.Will check on this and see if I can find which is the correct one.
Originally posted by NiftyNev
The oil pressure gauge problem may be incorrect sender.There are two types.One I think reads 0-90 ohms and the other 90-0 ohms.The wrong one will cause the gauge to operate backwards.Will check on this and see if I can find which is the correct one.
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Here is a link to the topic on the sender on our Aussie forum.
ok guys .. back in at toyota this morning and switch is faulty .. they did an oil pressure test and the engine seemingly is as new regards pressure (yeeeehaa) supposed to have only done 35.000 miles toyota recon its a strong engine and runs very sweet... the smoke is not as bad now ive done 160 miles since testerday... there is a little oil in turbo pipes so i think the prob might be that the turbo could be fecked or as good as hence the burning oil prob on tickover .. but dont understand why it dont show any burning oil under load ???????? been told to run it for a week and see what happens ... fingers crossed