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1992 Surf 2.4td starting probs can anyone please help

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  • 1992 Surf 2.4td starting probs can anyone please help

    I bought my first toyota surf last sunday , and driove the 220miles from surray to my house in cheshire without any problems...each time we stopped at the service stations the surf started first time and we carried on without any problems....
    When i came tio start the surf on monday morning, it turned over but would not start ....So I had it towed to a local garage...On tuesday while i was at the garrage we cracked open one of the injectors to find little deisel coming through while turning over..I have replaced the glow plugs and oil since buying the vehicle, so these can not be the problem...I'm sure the problem lies somewhere in the delivery of deisel.
    We have also check each of the connectors on the pump and compared the voltage readings from these with another surf which is running fine.

    Please could anyone tell me if they have had a similar experience, or if anyone has any idea what my problem could be i would be ver greatful of the help...

    Cheers Colin

  • #2
    whats the fuel filter like?( on the bulkhead passenger side screws off like an oil filter)
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      fuel filter sems to be fine

      Hi chillitt, cheers for replyinn so quick...the filter seems to be fine...we checked the fuel flow from the outlet pipe of the filter and did'nt seem to be lacking in deisel there....
      I'm sure that the problem lies in either the pump or the power to the pump..?
      I'm not sure though as even when the surf won't start there is still the power to all the connectors at the fuel pump.
      The garrage which the car is in at the moment seem to think its a problem with the electrics and have mentioned it might be a problem with the imobilser..But i'm not sure if the surf has one or iif it has, if it can be disconected...

      have you got any other thoughts on the prob


      • #4
        sorry mate, if its any more complicated than that i am no good to you!
        however now doctor whos finished i'm sure you will get a sensible answer any time now..
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          Doctor who?

          I thought the doctor drove a tardis....Not sure if it's an import or not though


          • #6
            hi have you had the injectors out and tested them.or i have come across a situation( not on this engine) where the mechanical link to the fuel elements in the pump had broken causing them not to open and stay in the fuel cut off position if that makes sense.also have you had any check lights come up on the dash.for a fault code.


            • #7
              you say you replaced the glow plugs but are you sure the glow plug relay is working/ok?


              • #8
                Same problem!

                We have exactly the same problem - engine turning over, but nothing else happening. So far had 3 mechanics look at it with no success (but I can tell you it's definitely not the imobiliser!).
                Are you back on the road yet? And if so can you give us any hints?


                • #9

                  Had a very similar problem with mine, have you done the error code check. If this turns out to be code 6 then the problem could be the engine speed sensor which sits on top of the diesel pump.


                  • #10
                    Check your glowplug fuse and relay.


                    • #11
                      Check fuel flow from the back of the pump on the pump end of the injector pipes.

                      Might be a faulty Fuel Shutoff Valve (FSV), if you are sure you have power to the FSV terminal.



                      • #12
                        Get a can of easy start, spray it into the air intake while someone turns the engine over, give it chace to get into the cylinders. If it starts and runs ok, it will probably be the Glow plugs not working.

                        Hell it's worth a try!
                        I like Orientals

