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knocking/rattling noise

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  • knocking/rattling noise


    I have just imorted a 2.4 td auto 1993 surf.

    To my horror, when you start the engine there is a knocking/rattling sound coming from it, and after approx 1 minute of idling the check engine light comes on.

    I have sent it into a garage, who assure me that they believe that the engine is ok and that the noise is coming from somewhere else

    So far they have changed 1 injector, they have retensioned the timing belt as it was slightly loose, and so far the noise is still there, it's so loud it sounds as if the engine is going to shatter .

    I am now being advised that it may possibly be the diesel pump!

    Am I going on a wild goose chase? Has anyone else ever heard of this kind of problem? Any suggestions from you clever things.


  • #2
    noisy engine

    This sounds as though it could be the diesel pump timing gone bad. It might have jumped a tooth on the timing belt. I recall seeing this mentioned a few times on the forum. Try searching for diesel knocking on the search facility. Is the tapping constant with the engine speed when you rev the engine, if so then it is a sure sign that the noise is connected to an engine problem and not linked to something else, as suggested by your mechanic.


    • #3
      Have you checked what the engine diagnostic error codes are?
      not sure - but this might help pin-point the problem
      I dont know how to check the codes -but others on here will help
      Landcruiser Colorado
      Sub. Forester


      • #4
        engine rattle

        I have a 2.4 td surf it picked up a rattle on the front sounded like piston touching a valve? so far i hav been told us valve, stuck injector,big ends, little ends and crank???
        so finaly i got a mate to take a look at first he thought it had something to do with the timing but now he has checked itand says its ok but the noise is coming from the front high up he is going to try and find out mon or tues and let me know if not it will be an engine out strip down and rebuid??
        I have only had five weeks and only been able to drive it for 1 week


        • #5

          Had a diesel man look at the car, he fitted a new timing belt and readjusted the diesel timing. The car is now perfect, and I'm only £250 lighter in the pocket, I thought that it was gonna need a new engine.

          Thanks for all the help and advice.

