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Help Air con not working

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  • Help Air con not working

    After checking for other posts on this subject,
    I have checked the fuses at the rear of the glove box they are OK.
    With the engine running the clutch on the air con unit engages and disengages when the switch is operated. The fan on the air con rad also comes on and off.
    Is it true that if the unit was out of gas then the clutch would not work? If so there must be enough gas.

    Have you any ideas what else it could be?

  • #2
    Help Air con not working

    Just because the system runs doesn't mean there's enough gas in it to cause a refrigerating effect. There may be just enough for it to run. Does the compressor cycle a lot?
    Follow the pipes to the bulkhead, the thick one is the system return to the compressor, this should feel cold.
    if not, then it may be undercharged, or possibly a blockage in the expansion valve, or a duff compressor, or moisture in the system, or.... etc etc.
    To be honest mate, I'd see a specialist, but then i'm biased, aren't I?
    [COLOR=darkred]Eddie The Air-Con Doctor[/COLOR]

