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Loud engine noise.

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  • Loud engine noise.

    Hi Everyone,

    My Surf has been going really well for months until last night.
    All of a sudden I am getting a very very loud rattle/squeal from the front of the engine (metal on metal sound)
    Looking at the engine from the front it looks to be coming from the devise at the bottom left. It has 2 belts on it and I can see this ‘wobble’.
    Could someone confirm if this is the alternator?
    If it is, can I get new bearings for it or do I need to get a new alternator?
    If it’s not – what is it……



  • #2
    If it's wobbling then check the mounting bolts.These have been know to break especially the top adjuster lock bolt.



    • #3
      Thanks for the reply
      The unit itself is not wobbling only the pully, which makes me think it’s bearings…


      • #4

        Ok have managed to have a look in the light.
        The noise is being made from the fan blades rubbing against the housing of the alternator.

        Does anyone have an alternator for sale?
        Of better still the front bit that contains the pulley, fins, bearings and shaft?




        • #5

          You say the fan blades are rubbing on the altenator housing? The fan and the altenator are miles apart and shouldn't come into contact (I've got a 1990 SSR ltd too). Is the fan loose? Look at it when not running, it should sit parrallel with the back of the radiator, and the 2 belts onto it shoud be tight (pich them and try to twist through 90 degrees - you should only just manage it - in that case their plenty tight). The fan is mounted via 4 bolts (either 10 or 12mm - can't remember)...maybe these need tightening

          Are you sure the fan isn't rubbing on the shroud mounted on the back of the radiator?

          If you still suspect the altenator, one good way to check the bearings is to take a large spanner or steel bar and place on altenator, put your ear to the other end and listen. With the engine running you'll hear a grating/rumbling running through the bar, meaning bearing problems.. sometimes this can be solved by tightening the belts.

          Take a photo of the point where you say the fan is rubbing and post it, if I can't help someone else will

          Look out! Ee


          • #6
            Thanks for the reply.
            It's not the radiator fan, more of some fan type bades that sid behind the pully.
            Over the weekend I managed to get the alternator off and hen I did the pully along with the blades just slid out of the alternator.
            I have managed to get a second hand unit from London.

            I will however take a picture and show you what I am talking about.



