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Surf Kn130 1990 2.4

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  • Surf Kn130 1990 2.4

    I have noticed recently that my temperature guage has started to rise from it's normal quarter position and now sits on the halfway position. The water is normal antifreeze colour and does go down slightly. I also notice that there is a slight green coloured spray redidue on the two pipes running pararell with the top of the radiator. They still have the original Toyota spring clips.


    Is this an early warning sign of a head problem or a simple problem that I can remedy? Is this temparature okay for the time being or will it get worse and/or cause any damage to the head?

  • #2
    Most temp gauges sit in the middle anyway, but check the water marks, any water leaking out is not to be encouraged.

    Replace any hoses than feel soft or are balloned out at the ends.

    Keep and eye on the expansion tank, the level should go up and down between the min and max, but not overflow.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      I don't want to alarm you, but that is how my 2.4td started to act, temp went up, water went down, I was told that a quick test is to run the engine with the water filler cap off, if the water falls out, it is being pressurised some how, lucky me, mine was being done by either the head or gasket.
      should know by mid week when it comes home from surgery!

      Keep an eye on it is all I can say
      Back in the world of Surfdom

