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  • help

    need some friendly advice,looking to buy a 2.4 TD Surf,looked through all the comments on your site and quietly breaking into a sweat!found a decent looking K plate,93 i think,12000 klm,engine very clean(no leaks visable,engine not been cleaned).Turned up unexpected to see it,been sat there over a week and fired up first time(no smoke apart from normal diesel bit)also no rattles or strange noises. Went back 2 days later for a test drive,lovely!! gear change smooth(auto)kick down was smooth,turbo kicked in and out fine,heating was fine,air con works very well.Was out for quite a while,did a few long hills and temp was fine.
    Leaving for Greece in 3 weeks but driving around europe for 2 weeks first.Bit nervous as dont want to get stuck anywhere(got AA just incase) Anything i can check for???How does this one sound to you lot????(you know a lot more than i do!)

  • #2
    It's luck of the draw I'm afraid, unless it's been in the UK for a while and has paperwork to say that the head has been replaced.

    Have a look at the poll in the 2.4 section. It was affecting about 17% last time I looked. I have had my 2.4 for 20 months now and, touch wood, no problems yet. If you want to be sure wait for a 3.0 to come along.

    There are plenty of satisfied 2.4 drivers about.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3

      thanks very much for that,will keep fingers crossed. anywhere local to me that will replace the head?(will order part from steve cause everyone says he's the best) is it best just to go to a Toyota place??


      • #4
        Originally posted by rescue1
        thanks very much for that,will keep fingers crossed. anywhere local to me that will replace the head?(will order part from steve cause everyone says he's the best) is it best just to go to a Toyota place??
        Not always, depends how your local dealer is, as soon as you mention Surf guage their reaction if its a blank stare walk away.
        You may as well ask the person you see to do it as ask a main dealer sometimes, but your panicking already.
        Buy it, get in it and enjoy it, if you want to take away the worry factor then as said look for a 3.0.
        Just as a double check, from cold take off rad cap and start it up if coolant flows out walk away (well after putting the cap back).
        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

        My 4x4
        My choice
        Back off

