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problem with 2.4 td surf,check engine light!

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  • problem with 2.4 td surf,check engine light!

    hi surfers!please can you help?i have recently sold a 93 2.4 td ssrx to a customer who has now experienced a small problem with it!i have had it back to look at,but have not found the cause yet!!

    if you keep your foot hard down on throttle,as if you were overtaking!when it revs round to just past 4000 rpm in second gear just before it changes gear the check engine light comes on,engine does not cut out,then if you lift off throttle light goes out?????????????

    can anyone help!comes up with fault codes 2 and 5?where is the turbo boost pressure sensor?


  • #2
    i think your customer has posted here already
    I cant find the post though, have you changed several parts already?
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      hi yes he has,its the post under mine!but i have just explained it in detail so hopefully somebody can help us??


      • #4
        Originally posted by seahaven car imports

        can anyone help!comes up with fault codes 2 and 5?where is the turbo boost pressure sensor?

        On a 3.0, its on the underside of the intake manifold, at the front. Not sure if the 2.4 is the same.
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Originally posted by seahaven car imports
          can anyone help!comes up with fault codes 2 and 5?where is the turbo boost pressure sensor?

          Will send you a link to a pic as soon as I upload it.

          Last edited by NiftyNev; 18 March 2005, 11:41.


          • #6
            Here's the link - http://groups.msn.com/toyotasurf/nif...o&PhotoID=5464

            The Sensor is at bottom/centre of pic on side of filter housing.The hose from this goes to the small filter and then to a bigger hose under throttle housing.The T piece in this pic with extra hose is for a Turbo Pressure Gauge.



            • #7
              have changed the boost sensor!but still the same!any more ideas!!


              • #8
                Try the actual electrical connection to the Turbo,it's a black plug near your right hand battery. It may have come partially disconnected. This happened on mine and prevented the turbo from working correctly.
                French fishing at it's best www.mayennefishing.com

