Hello People
Just like to say this site is wicked and i have found alot of answers to my questions, so thanks guys. But i do have a problem for you all.
I am new here and also new to the Surf. I brought a 2.4 td a month ago and have only one problem with it.
The problem i have is if I put my foot down to overtake or to pull away as quick as i can, I get the engine warning light come on untill i back off the pedal. Seems to hold back abit aswell but drives ok all the rest of the time.
Took it back to where i brought it from and they did the fault code test and got code 25 as the fault. They have changed the Map sensor, Intake temp sensor, Flap soliniod, Fuel in-richment sensor on innner wing and the ECU and the problem is still there.
Can anyone shed any light on this problem.
Please Help
Just like to say this site is wicked and i have found alot of answers to my questions, so thanks guys. But i do have a problem for you all.

I am new here and also new to the Surf. I brought a 2.4 td a month ago and have only one problem with it.
The problem i have is if I put my foot down to overtake or to pull away as quick as i can, I get the engine warning light come on untill i back off the pedal. Seems to hold back abit aswell but drives ok all the rest of the time.
Took it back to where i brought it from and they did the fault code test and got code 25 as the fault. They have changed the Map sensor, Intake temp sensor, Flap soliniod, Fuel in-richment sensor on innner wing and the ECU and the problem is still there.
Can anyone shed any light on this problem.
Please Help