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2.4 Turbo boost

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  • 2.4 Turbo boost

    Was wondering if anyone has tried this little mod on their wastegate actuator (what is this by the way?) on the turbo.
    The turbo wastegate actuator is mounted to the turbo using 2 bolts.
    The mod is to simply pack the wastegate actuator away from the turbo with washers.
    This basically gives you more boost (apparently 3 washers = 11Psi) as the actuator comes in later.

    It sounds very easy to do and allegedly gives better power, especially uphill, as it increases the engine torque.

    Heres a link to a pic and info on the Oz site:
    One day my paranoia will go away!

  • #2
    Took the time to read all the links & sounds like a good mod (just got to find some washers)
    I was especially impressed by this guys truck http://www.hiluxsurf.net/index1.htm

    Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


    • #3
      Yep , have done that mod too !!!
      Now the steel snail whistles beautifully with the boot down
      I'm running 11 psi and will remove the washers whne my adjustable bleed valve is finished.

      As for finding washers, just go to the local hardware store.

      This is the second cheapest performance mod that I have done.
      THE CHEAPEST...FREE.. is to remove the plastic tube that goes from the airbox to the rubber elbow on the air-cleaner.
      This allows the old girl to breathe a lot better.
      Re-route the crankcase breather through an oil separator and now you will have clean air for the turbo
      Dissable the EGR valve and all is lovely
      '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


      • #4
        Yep, just been out & packed the actuator with a couple of washers , easy to do .Took it for a quick spin & first impression is it definitely seems more " up for it" .I haven,t got a turbo boost gauge ( xmas wish list ) so I didn,t go for the 3 washers as I would prefer to measure the difference.
        Anybody in the UK recomend a boost gauge as most of the ones I,ve seen earth differently to the surf.I,m also interested in more info on the oil seperator as used by some of the Aussies .

        Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


        • #5
          Originally posted by bensonsnuts
          Yep, just been out & packed the actuator with a couple of washers , easy to do .Took it for a quick spin & first impression is it definitely seems more " up for it" .I haven,t got a turbo boost gauge ( xmas wish list ) so I didn,t go for the 3 washers as I would prefer to measure the difference.
          Anybody in the UK recomend a boost gauge as most of the ones I,ve seen earth differently to the surf.I,m also interested in more info on the oil seperator as used by some of the Aussies .


          have got washers 1" thick each, got three in there and just blown away a scooby from the lights, got done on the A1M clocked at 150mph and foot wasn't even flat to the floor.
          When do me pistons come through the bonnet?????????????
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off


          • #6
            Koi , that 8 balls driving me crazy, but I,m still not as loony as you !

            Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


            • #7
              Originally posted by bensonsnuts
              Took it for a quick spin & first impression is it definitely seems more " up for it" .
              Well I plan to do this now.
              For curiosity, does any techys know why this appears to work?
              Any possible side effects?
              One day my paranoia will go away!


              • #8
                Originally posted by icsys
                Well I plan to do this now.
                For curiosity, does any techys know why this appears to work?
                Any possible side effects?
                Yeah , nice tight white jacket & a cell next to Koi

                Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


                • #9
                  Originally posted by simono
                  Re-route the crankcase breather through an oil separator and now you will have clean air for the turbo

                  more info about the oil separator please as i waht to do that as soo as possible what do i ask for where and how do i fit it and where is the waste gate and what is this bleed valve mod ,

                  I need to see pics please
                  so much to do , so little money , so little time


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by icsys
                    Well I plan to do this now.
                    For curiosity, does any techys know why this appears to work?
                    Any possible side effects?
                    Okay, my turn, have played with turbo motors and know a few that went bang. The mechanical details I give aren't spot on, but the results are about right based on past experience (although I've never done it to an oil burner

                    Several things may happen.......

                    The mod increases boost into the engine, therefore more speed = more boost meaning more speed etc etc etc.... the wastegate allows this build up of boost pressure out BEFORE is blows the engins apart physically - Scoobies and Mitsi Evo7's are VERY good at this on high boost levels.

                    You are allowing the charger to push more boost through the engine - thus increasing compression within the cylinders..... big ends, rings and con rods don't really enjoy this much. Conrods may or may not leave their current home (your engine block) via the side (using a big hole they'll create on their way out !

                    The ecu may not like the amount of boost you're pushing through, and adjust various other values (fuel, air etc) to compensate (depending on if the ecu is the type that 'learns' as is goes - high performance petrol motors usually do)

                    More boost generally means a leaner mixture - unless the ECU can cope, increasing operating temperatures, upsetting the valves, the head and the bores.

                    Your already suicidally thirsty motor will drink more than it ever has.... because the more turbo air you shove in it, the more expensive derv it will need to run on.

                    But hey ho.... Emmas Volvo runs between 15 and 21psi, helping it run between 280 - 300 bhp... but THAT has a TWR Racing designed engine WHICH IS DESIGNED AND TESTED TO RUN AT HIGH BOOST FOR PROLONGED PERIODS - and the ECU chops the power if you overboost it !!

                    I won't be trying it, as a Surf aint good at fast..... its good at being BIG and great fun !!!!

                    Oh - if you do run on high boost.... perhaps a 12" exhaust and a baseball cap on backwards ?

                    I'm not getting at anyone or taking the p1ss.... I just don't think its a good idea with 2tons of car on drum rear brakes.

                    Cya soon !

                    [center][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=7][color=magenta][u][b][img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipgrl12.gif[/img][/b][/u][/color][/size] [img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipmn1.gif[/img][/font][/center][center][img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jim_ashton/shyAV5.jpg[/img][/center][center][b][color=#ff00ff][size=7][u]E[/u][/size][u][size=5]ms [/size][size=5]&[/size][size=7] J[/size][size=5]im[/size][/u][/color][/b][/center]


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by surffreak
                      more info about the oil separator please as i waht to do that as soo as possible what do i ask for where and how do i fit it and where is the waste gate and what is this bleed valve mod ,

                      I need to see pics please
                      There is info on this oil seperator on this page under engine:
                      Just scroll down till you find it.

                      Also a link to a home made oil seperator:
                      Last edited by icsys; 4 November 2003, 23:44.
                      One day my paranoia will go away!


                      • #12
                        I won't be trying it, as a Surf aint good at fast..... its good at being BIG and great fun !!!!
                        Oh - if you do run on high boost.... perhaps a 12" exhaust and a baseball cap on backwards ?
                        I'm not getting at anyone or taking the p1ss.... I just don't think its a good idea with 2tons of car on drum rear brakes.


                        Jim ,I agree with what you,re saying , which is why I,m wary of boosting the turbo without a gauge to watch the results.But I don,t think anybody intended to turn their surf into a drag racer.
                        Personally I think the 2.4 is undepowered for towing or long inclines at motorway speeds ( 3.0 envy) & I think its worth exploring options to utilise some of the unused capacity it undoubtably has.
                        The Aussies have far more experience with these cars than we have & have generally tried most things before we even thought about them

                        Geoff http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_5.gif.... http://www.boomspeed.com/carolrobert/police.gif......


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bensonsnuts
                          Personally I think the 2.4 is undepowered for towing or long inclines at motorway speeds ( 3.0 envy) & I think its worth exploring options to utilise some of the unused capacity it undoubtably has.
                          This is precisely why I enquired about this mod. I dont expect 0-60 in 5 seconds!
                          One day my paranoia will go away!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by icsys
                            Well I plan to do this now.
                            For curiosity, does any techys know why this appears to work?
                            Any possible side effects?
                            This will be long winded, maybe you should grab a beer. Most of this people may know, but I'll get back to basics to help any that aren't too sure.

                            I'm not claiming to be a turbo guru, but I know a bit.
                            In case some don't fully understand what the wastegate does, a quick summary of a turbo.
                            Exhaust flows thru the exhaust manifold to the turbine, pressure builds in front of the blades and escapes thru to a lower pressure on the back of the blades. The angle of the blades causes the turbine to spin, easy so far. The greater the pressure differential, the faster the turbine spins(this is why a large diameter dump pipe greatly improves performance), the rotation of the turbine spins the compressor wheel, which as the name suggests, compresses the intake charge. More air in-more exhaust out-increased pressure at the front of the turbine-faster spin-more air in.......you get the idea. When this vicious little cycle has built up pressure in the intake charge to a set level (governed by the wastegate spring load) the wastegate opens to allow exhaust gasses to bypass the turbine and rejoin the exhaust behind the turbine, therefor reducing the pressure differential and holding boost at this level. I hope I didn't bore you too much, but that's really about it.
                            I'm not impressed with this mod. Changing the length of the wastegate actuator (thats all you are doing) only reduces the amount the wastegate opens NOT WHAT BOOST LEVEL IT OPENS AT. The wastegate spring would be set to open at about 11-12 psi, with the restrictive exhaust this means you get approx 7psi boost before the WG opens(that's why a free flowing exhaust will increase boost pressure). by not allowing the WG to open fully you increase the likelyhood of damaging boost "spikes" where boost get reach a much higher level for a moment before bleeding away. It's these "moments" that cause you to lean out, blow headgaskets & ventilate your block.
                            This mod is as "ghetto" as they get. These aren't cheap engines to repair, if you want more boost, for a small investment buy a boost controller & NEVER EVER play with boost levels without a BOOST GAUGE.

                            Just my rant for the day. Thankyou & goodnight.
                            91 SSR ltd 2.4td Wine over grey. Currently on head #2.
                            89 Mazda MX6 2.2 lt turbo.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by crusty
                              This will be long winded, maybe you should grab a beer. Most of this people may know, but I'll get back to basics to help any that aren't too sure.

                              I'm not claiming to be a turbo guru, but I know a bit.
                              In case some don't fully understand what the wastegate does, a quick summary of a turbo.
                              Exhaust flows thru the exhaust manifold to the turbine, pressure builds in front of the blades and escapes thru to a lower pressure on the back of the blades. The angle of the blades causes the turbine to spin, easy so far. The greater the pressure differential, the faster the turbine spins(this is why a large diameter dump pipe greatly improves performance), the rotation of the turbine spins the compressor wheel, which as the name suggests, compresses the intake charge. More air in-more exhaust out-increased pressure at the front of the turbine-faster spin-more air in.......you get the idea. When this vicious little cycle has built up pressure in the intake charge to a set level (governed by the wastegate spring load) the wastegate opens to allow exhaust gasses to bypass the turbine and rejoin the exhaust behind the turbine, therefor reducing the pressure differential and holding boost at this level. I hope I didn't bore you too much, but that's really about it.
                              I'm not impressed with this mod. Changing the length of the wastegate actuator (thats all you are doing) only reduces the amount the wastegate opens NOT WHAT BOOST LEVEL IT OPENS AT. The wastegate spring would be set to open at about 11-12 psi, with the restrictive exhaust this means you get approx 7psi boost before the WG opens(that's why a free flowing exhaust will increase boost pressure). by not allowing the WG to open fully you increase the likelyhood of damaging boost "spikes" where boost get reach a much higher level for a moment before bleeding away. It's these "moments" that cause you to lean out, blow headgaskets & ventilate your block.
                              This mod is as "ghetto" as they get. These aren't cheap engines to repair, if you want more boost, for a small investment buy a boost controller & NEVER EVER play with boost levels without a BOOST GAUGE.

                              Just my rant for the day. Thankyou & goodnight.
                              Well put, however I did quite like the idea that someone had on the Aus forum of taking out the pipe that controls the wastgate actuator and fitting a T piece valve and a solenoid to operate, switched by a switch on the das which basically meant that you have normal boost or high boost. It also seemed that due to various restrictions in the intake tract that the boost will peak out at about 12psi anyway.

                              I too though am a bit sceptical about increasing boost on an otherwise standard engine without moding the bottom end, fitting forged pistons and better rings, bearings etc plus ballancing the whole shooting match. I think the bootom end on the 2LT / 2LTE is pretty strong with a good 5 bearing crank however I wouldn't like to increase the power through a stock engine by 20% or so that is claimed. You either get reliability or you get power - look at racing engines that only do 1 race and then disassemble themselves into their component parts. I moght think about fitting an adjustable wastegate controller when I have the money and run at about 10psi, however one of the other drawbacks that has been mentioned is the increase in turbo lag which to be honest the surf has enough of in spades anway.


