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CODE 12 poss solution

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  • CODE 12 poss solution

    if the check code is a 12 its timer control valve have you got a loud diesel knock and maybe a bit more smoke than normal does it turn off smoothley? i had this and found it was the timer control valve was shot check the resistance of it, i think it should be between 10 and 14 ohms mine was about 26 so threw it in the bin and replaced it tricky to do with pump in place but can be done with loads of swearing and grazed knuckles could also be a cloged diesel filter
    if aint gone pop yet chances are it will

  • #2
    code 12?

    Where Is The Timer Control Sensor On The Pump?do You Have A Piccy? Mine Has Loud Diesel Knock On S/up Then Better When Warmed Up,also Have Had Smoke Since Changing Filter(milners One)


    • #3
      Originally posted by freeman
      Where Is The Timer Control Sensor On The Pump?do You Have A Piccy? Mine Has Loud Diesel Knock On S/up Then Better When Warmed Up,also Have Had Smoke Since Changing Filter(milners One)

      The timer control valve is on the back of the pump under the injector pipes 2 five mm hex bolts hold it in place with i lead coming out with 2 wired in it to a plug on the side of the pump i think if i rember rightly if it is faulty or on its way it can be done in situe but its a pig of a job to do without magnetic fingers and the thing its self is a non sevicable part so replacement only if there is anything wrong with it, mine was eventually a code 12 on the engine check light but i belive it was on its way out for a while before hand.

      if you have to remove it to replace then here is a few things i can rember that you will have to remove first air box, 2 injector pipes just undo them they dont have to come out it makes for a bit more room the power steering res and pull it forward to get it out your way and tie it up with something this will allow more room to get at where you need to be the simplist way is to take the pump off but whay make work for your self the valve can be tested for resistance in place on pump and operation 10-14 ohms at 20'oC and voltage acros terminals no more than 30 seconds and listen for a click if no click and or the resitance is not within tollerance bin it and seek a replacement parti dont know if toyota will replace the valve or try to tell you its a pump job cause i was lucky and found a man with a engine out that had the pump on so i tested the valve and hey presto 20 quid later and some 2 hours under the bonnet it runs again i do know that the pumps very rareley go wrong only a leak sometimes on the top gasket try a diesel specialist to get the denso part for you if toyota do the usual and act stupid.
      if aint gone pop yet chances are it will

