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Turbo or injector troubles?

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  • Turbo or injector troubles?


    I have been reading all the GREAT info on this site and wonder is someone can answer a question about my surf?

    It is a 1990 2.4L-T with about 140,000 KM on it have had it about a month had it fully surviced when i got it new timing belt all filters etc. it was a smoker when i got it and still is thing is it only realy smokes when the Turbo is on (Green light) at which time there is lots of dark black/blue smoke also i have no change in power when the turbo kicks in seems all it does is create the smoke I get about 300Km on a full tank which to me does not seem all that great the engine does not loose oil of coolent runs very smooth with no starting or overheating troubles only problem i see is the smoke when the turbo kicks in Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem can be (Please dont say it needs a new turbo)

    Thanks for any help


  • #2
    Ok I won't say you need a new turbo.You may however need a turbo rebuild.The smoke may be from worn turbo seals.Take of the inlet from turbo to throttle body and see how much oil is in there.



    • #3
      OK So i either need to have this turbo rebuilt or get a replacement unit now my problem becomes finding a replacement or someone that can rebuild this here will probably have to get one from Japan or the UK which will take lots of time while waiting is it still OK to drive my surf or am i doing damage to the engine? Is there an easy way to disable or by pass the turbo till the replacement arrives?

      Thanks again for any help

      Last edited by Bahamaboy; 17 January 2005, 07:31.


      • #4
        You shouldn't kill the engine driving like it, as long as you still have good oil pressure and the temp doesn't rise and you check the level every couple of days then drive it while you are waiting for a new one.



        • #5
          Thanks Lucky

          Temp and oil are fine i will keep a close eye on them both



          • #6
            If the smoke is black, that means that there is excessive fuel going into the cylinders. Firstly I would check for blockages in the air intake, aswell as loose/damaged boost/vacuum pipes. Another thing to try is a tin of Redex through the fuel system (make sure it is the diesel Redex).
            You say the green light is coming on at the same time as the smoke. This could possibly indicate an injector fault. If the spray pattern of the injector is poor (if they are the original injectors at 140000 km, I suspect it will be poor), fuel dribbles into the cylinder instead of spraying in. Try to find a diesel specialist who can test them for you.
            If the smoke is blue, then it is oil being burned in the cylinders. Normally either the turbo seals or the valve stem seals are to blame.
            Try the Redex first, it's the cheapest, but do keep an eye on your oil consumption though.
            Good luck, Micky.
            You can take my 4x4 from me when you prize the keys from my cold, dead hand.


            • #7
              I have just been in conversation with Turbo Technics in Northampton a rebuild for the turbo is going to cost somewhere in the region of £195+VAT for a rebuild with free collection and delivery a recon unit is going to cost about £500+VAT.. I have had reports from a couple of people who have used them and have been impressed they also make Super chargers what a thought eh 40% extra grunt instantly mmmmmmmm
              Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


              • #8
                I don't think the free collection and delivery includes the Bahamas. I suppose for the price of the flights and lodgings we could go over and take a look though, eh?
                You can take my 4x4 from me when you prize the keys from my cold, dead hand.


                • #9
                  I Have found a Diesel Machanic that is supposed to have a good rep and have an app set up for the ebd of the week to have him check it out and see what he thinks the trouble is Thanks again for all your help



                  • #10
                    I have just bought my first surf, and have been experiencing very similar problems to yours. Black smoke when under load, little difference between on and off boost and mine is making really strange noises. I sprayed the impeller with wd40 and noticed a bit of difference but it only lasted for about an hour. I can feel no abnormal play or endfloat in the shaft. I worried about the oil its putting into the inlet pipes aswell, scared of her running-on. Im in the process of getting a new turbo so i'll let you know if it makes any difference.


                    • #11
                      I disagree with the 'its time for a turbo kit or even new turbo' vein this thread has taken on. C'mon no-ones even seen his surf yet by he's probably expecting a new turbo in the post and two weeks wages down the pan too.

                      The oil in the turbo to throttle (if there is any) could easily have come from the other side of the turbo via the crankcase vent hose which T's into the air intake ducting, dripping black oil into the clean air pipes.

                      The black smoke is probably the injectors or a pump needing tuning, its a 2LT isnt it?

                      He described my surf when he described his own, runs perfect but smokey. He could rule out the turbo if he wound out the max fuel screw on the rear facing side of the pump, the engine will start to struggle almost cutting out. Give it max throttle now and see if the black cloud is gone. If it is then its a fueling problem.

                      My $0.02 worth, cheaper than a turbo


                      • #12
                        I understand what your saying. Go a little more in depth for me. Screwing out the screw on the side of the pump facing the bulkhead, will this decrease the amount of fuel its getting? Another reason I think my problem is the turbo though is the problem i sometimes get accelerating in third gear, where even at 2500 - 3000 rpm, the turbo will not spool up at all.


                        • #13
                          Before we go any further on this one, we really need to know if we are talking about a 2-lt or a 2-lte, as they are different beasts altogether where the fuelling is concerned.
                          You can take my 4x4 from me when you prize the keys from my cold, dead hand.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Micky B
                            Before we go any further on this one, we really need to know if we are talking about a 2-lt or a 2-lte, as they are different beasts altogether where the fuelling is concerned.
                            Think he said it was a 2LT, however it's a 1990 so I think a 2LT is pretty much guaranteed.



                            • #15
                              Whats the difference with them?

