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Jerking surf ???

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  • Jerking surf ???

    Help please !

    Just changed the head on my surf,and it cost me £2,000 and now I have noticed when I drive slowly and when I brake it jerks but it didn't do that before ,the garage told me that the injectors gone but to recondition the same one ( here we go again ) it will cost £350. For the moment I can't afford that with xmas coming. Does anyone have any idea how to make it stop jerking or fix it without costing so much ? Also if I was to put off having it fixed for a few weeks is it safe to keep using it ?


  • #2
    Originally posted by desmoreg
    Help please !

    Just changed the head on my surf,and it cost me £2,000 and now I have noticed when I drive slowly and when I brake it jerks but it didn't do that before ,the garage told me that the injectors gone but to recondition the same one ( here we go again ) it will cost £350. For the moment I can't afford that with xmas coming. Does anyone have any idea how to make it stop jerking or fix it without costing so much ? Also if I was to put off having it fixed for a few weeks is it safe to keep using it ?

    Could try a whole bottle of redex to 1/4 tank of fuel but if injectors are completely shot it probably won't do much.
    Did this problem happen as soon as you drove it after the head was done?? could just be some s**t in the injectors from being stripped down.
    Whats acceleration like, is it smoking a bit more, does it feel smooth at all other times, at idle????????
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      Originally posted by desmoreg
      Help please !

      Just changed the head on my surf,and it cost me £2,000 and now I have noticed when I drive slowly and when I brake it jerks but it didn't do that before ,the garage told me that the injectors gone but to recondition the same one ( here we go again ) it will cost £350. For the moment I can't afford that with xmas coming. Does anyone have any idea how to make it stop jerking or fix it without costing so much ? Also if I was to put off having it fixed for a few weeks is it safe to keep using it ?

      £350 to recondition the injectors, I just paid £70 for a full set of recon ones and changed them in less than 30 minutes.

      Try Nigel's idea first with the redex or Wynns power boost.



      • #4
        Originally posted by desmoreg
        Help please !

        Just changed the head on my surf,and it cost me £2,000 and now I have noticed when I drive slowly and when I brake it jerks but it didn't do that before ,the garage told me that the injectors gone but to recondition the same one ( here we go again ) it will cost £350. For the moment I can't afford that with xmas coming. Does anyone have any idea how to make it stop jerking or fix it without costing so much ? Also if I was to put off having it fixed for a few weeks is it safe to keep using it ?

        These guys are trying to rip you off.For that sort of money and a new head the injectors should have been done as well.Get some more info from the guys on here about what to do and who to see and you will save money.



        • #5

          Just Replaced All 4 Of Mine 100 Squids,bit Fiddly But Took Me Only An Hour As Not A Mechanic.buy Them Yourself From A Local Diesel Specialist(find In Yellow Pages)


          • #6
            jerking surf

            It's very greatfull to manage to get an answer back.I will try to do what you told me .Hope father xmas will come to me .Have a good merry xmas and a happy new year.
            Thank you very much .

