Well, this morning, saw an N reg baby blue 3rd gen, with my baby behind the wheel!!! 
Then, on the way out of Worthing, saw another one - flashed and waved - nothing..... then none all the way home - I mean, where is everyone, I've driven from the south coast to the midlands today and not one - oh, that's not quite true, sorry - forget the second gen with lots of stickers on it on the M40 just as I was turning off for Leamington..... hiya!

Then, on the way out of Worthing, saw another one - flashed and waved - nothing..... then none all the way home - I mean, where is everyone, I've driven from the south coast to the midlands today and not one - oh, that's not quite true, sorry - forget the second gen with lots of stickers on it on the M40 just as I was turning off for Leamington..... hiya!