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  • Did you know

    The worlds strongest beer is 'Samuel Adams' Triple Bock, which has reached 17% alcohol by volume

    It is always helpful to have a law that clearly defines when a person is legally intoxicated. In Kentucky, anyone who has been drinking is considered sober until he or she cannot hold onto the ground any more.

    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio phobia is the fear of long words

    When reading horizontally from Shakespeare's original published copy of Hamlet, the furthest left hand side reads 'I am a homosexual' in the last 14 lines of the book.

    Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions

    More than half the American women surveyed in a recent poll admit to having sex with men they disliked. It didn't say how many were referring to their husbands

    Dolphins and humans are the only known animals that have sex for pleasure

    In Bavaria, beer is not an alcoholic drink. It is legally defined as a staple food

