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UK only joke!!

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  • UK only joke!!

    Sure nobody outside the UK will get this one...

    A Geordie is in London for the day and really fancie's a bottle of NewCastle Brown Ale.

    It isn't long before he comes across a pub.

    Once inside he walks up to the barman and asks for his favorite drink, a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale.

    "I'm sorry" say's the barman "We don't sell Newcastle Brown Ale here"

    The Geordie is gutted, but as he is thirsty he decides to have anything that the barman can offer.

    "Will a pint of Whitbred do sir?" the barman enquired handing him the drink.

    "That'll do" the Geordie answers and takes a good long gulp, "Wy-ay thats not bad" he said in apreciation,

    "Im ganna need a p*ss now. Can ya look after me pint while I'm in there?"

    "Certainly Sir" answered the barman

    "But I don't want anybody touching my pint, there will be hell to pay if they do" and off he goes to the toilet to relieve himself.

    While he's in there a big black woman walks up to the geordie's pint, takes a sip from it and then farts in it.

    The barman see's this but is too late to stop her.

    He panics, remembering the Geordie's threat and 2 seconds later, in comes the geordie back from the toilet.

    He's about to pick up his pint when he notices a fresh lipstick mark on the glass,"whats been goin on 'ere then man? Some one's ad me pint".

    Sweating, and pointing at the black woman over in the corner, the barman tells the story of how she farted in his pint.

    "Reet then" say's the geordie rolling up his sleeves, and marches over to where the big black woman is sat,

    "'scuse me luv, you fart in ma Whitbred?"

    to which the woman replies,

    "No I'm Tessa Sanderson."

    '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
    "You Sir are drunk!"
    "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."

  • #2
    Tessa was better looking


    • #3
      got that one!very funny


      • #4
        Time flies like a bullet,fruit flies like a banana


        • #5
          Originally posted by Robster
          Sure nobody outside the UK will get this one...

          A Geordie is in London for the day and really fancie's a bottle of NewCastle Brown Ale.

          It isn't long before he comes across a pub.

          Once inside he walks up to the barman and asks for his favorite drink, a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale.

          "I'm sorry" say's the barman "We don't sell Newcastle Brown Ale here"

          The Geordie is gutted, but as he is thirsty he decides to have anything that the barman can offer.

          "Will a pint of Whitbred do sir?" the barman enquired handing him the drink.

          "That'll do" the Geordie answers and takes a good long gulp, "Wy-ay thats not bad" he said in apreciation,

          "Im ganna need a p*ss now. Can ya look after me pint while I'm in there?"

          "Certainly Sir" answered the barman

          "But I don't want anybody touching my pint, there will be hell to pay if they do" and off he goes to the toilet to relieve himself.

          While he's in there a big black woman walks up to the geordie's pint, takes a sip from it and then farts in it.

          The barman see's this but is too late to stop her.

          He panics, remembering the Geordie's threat and 2 seconds later, in comes the geordie back from the toilet.

          He's about to pick up his pint when he notices a fresh lipstick mark on the glass,"whats been goin on 'ere then man? Some one's ad me pint".

          Sweating, and pointing at the black woman over in the corner, the barman tells the story of how she farted in his pint.

          "Reet then" say's the geordie rolling up his sleeves, and marches over to where the big black woman is sat,

          "'scuse me luv, you fart in ma Whitbred?"

          to which the woman replies,

          "No I'm Tessa Sanderson."

          Dont give up yer day job, unless you compile jokes...then please give up the job!

