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bit of a rude joke...

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  • bit of a rude joke...

    One day on the farm, farmer Giles went off to sell some of his produce at the local market, so all the farm animals were happily grazing in the afternoon sunshine. However disaster was about to strike the peaceful tranquility, as one of the recently hatched chicklings had fallen into a muddy swamp and got stuck.

    The chick was crying out for help and all the other farm animals came running. Mrs. Peck was panicking at the fact of seeing her little chickling in such distress and demanded the assistance form the other animals.

    All the animals were fussing over what to do, and then stepped forward Ned, the proud Shire horse. He demanded all the other animals stand clear as he positioned himself over the muddy swamp and yelled out for the chick to grab his large dangling nob.

    The chick reached out and gave it a sharp yank. Ned the horse, in great despair begun to loose his footing and also slipped into the muddy swamp. The animals by this time were all frantic.

    Spot, the clever boarder collie, suddenly darted off to farmer Giles private barn and returned moments later with the farmers pride and joy, a Toyota Hilux Surf. Spot positioned the car, tied a tow rope to the back of the car and threw the other end to Ned and the chick and then instantly pulled them to safety.

    The morale of the story is - You don't need to be hung like a horse to pick up the chicks when you drive around in a Toyota Hilux Surf!

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