Some blokes are talking in the pub one night,the conversation is either women or cars,you know the high brow stuff men are good at,when one of them decides to take the mick out of the village idiot.He says"why dont you get a car Wodderwick".
"cant afford one " he replies.
My mate down at the labs at Alderley Park will sort you out,no worries.When you get there go round the back of the Beagle building,find the green door and ask for Charlie.
Off he pops,happy as a pig in a pen.When he gets there he is greeted by a shifty looking character smoking a woodbine with a pork pie hat on.Him not the woodbine.Incidental to the story but I thought I would clarify before someone pulls me up about it.
To continue
Charlie enquires as to how he can help,Wodders tells him that he requires transport,How much you got squire asks Charlie.
£10 says Wodders,Crikey says Charlie,you wont get a surf for that.
Well I am desparate to get mobile,whatever it takes,I am fed up with shanks pony
With out more ado Charlie takes him round the back of the labs where the reject animals are kept.You wouldnt believe some of the stuff there
Near the back in a big cage is a six foot tall chicken,the drumsticks alone would feed ten men.
How on earth can I sit on something so big,asks Wodderwick suggestively.
It comes with its own saddle replies Charlie,I will take it says Wodders,how much,Ten pound replies Charlie.
A shake of the hands and the deal is done.
Wodderwick,now the proud owner of a tall bird,saddles up and heads into Manchester.Now I dont know if any of you know the main drag from Alderley Edge into Manchester,Kingsway its called,and its a road where you can get a bit of speed up.
Well sure as eggs is eggs(ho ho) Wodderwick does just that,30, 40, 50, wind in his hair he decides to push it just a tad faster.
He nudges the 60 mark when all of a sudden a little old lady in a 2.4 pulls out from a side road,no common sense some people,well Wodders panicks,pulls very hard on the reins and his mount tries to avoid a collision,the inevitable happen and he slams into the side of the 2.4.
Feathers everywhere,the chicken is lying in the road,its drumsticks in the air,What can I do thinks Wodders.
I know,I will phone the AA,the lady on the switch asks for his name and address,membership number and so on,she then asks if the "vehicle is movable,and if not what does he think could be the problem?.
Without a moments hesitation he replies
" I think my big hens gone"
"cant afford one " he replies.
My mate down at the labs at Alderley Park will sort you out,no worries.When you get there go round the back of the Beagle building,find the green door and ask for Charlie.
Off he pops,happy as a pig in a pen.When he gets there he is greeted by a shifty looking character smoking a woodbine with a pork pie hat on.Him not the woodbine.Incidental to the story but I thought I would clarify before someone pulls me up about it.
To continue
Charlie enquires as to how he can help,Wodders tells him that he requires transport,How much you got squire asks Charlie.
£10 says Wodders,Crikey says Charlie,you wont get a surf for that.
Well I am desparate to get mobile,whatever it takes,I am fed up with shanks pony
With out more ado Charlie takes him round the back of the labs where the reject animals are kept.You wouldnt believe some of the stuff there
Near the back in a big cage is a six foot tall chicken,the drumsticks alone would feed ten men.
How on earth can I sit on something so big,asks Wodderwick suggestively.
It comes with its own saddle replies Charlie,I will take it says Wodders,how much,Ten pound replies Charlie.
A shake of the hands and the deal is done.
Wodderwick,now the proud owner of a tall bird,saddles up and heads into Manchester.Now I dont know if any of you know the main drag from Alderley Edge into Manchester,Kingsway its called,and its a road where you can get a bit of speed up.
Well sure as eggs is eggs(ho ho) Wodderwick does just that,30, 40, 50, wind in his hair he decides to push it just a tad faster.
He nudges the 60 mark when all of a sudden a little old lady in a 2.4 pulls out from a side road,no common sense some people,well Wodders panicks,pulls very hard on the reins and his mount tries to avoid a collision,the inevitable happen and he slams into the side of the 2.4.

Feathers everywhere,the chicken is lying in the road,its drumsticks in the air,What can I do thinks Wodders.
I know,I will phone the AA,the lady on the switch asks for his name and address,membership number and so on,she then asks if the "vehicle is movable,and if not what does he think could be the problem?.
Without a moments hesitation he replies
" I think my big hens gone"