A man boards a train and enters a compartment already occupied by a lady of,shall we say,maturity.
He sits down opposite and begins to read his paper.
Ten minutes into the journey he sneezes and immediately adjusts his person,and places his briefcase on his lap.
Throughout the journey the same thing happens four more times,each time the man gets more flustered.
Are you all right enquires the lady,Yes of course says the man,its just that I have a rare medical condition and prefer not to talk about it,thank you.
The lady assures him that there is nothing to be afraid of,she tells him that she has been a doctor specialising in rare tropical diseases for over forty years and there is absolutely nothing that he could tell her that would worry,upset or embarrass her.
Well he says,on a recent holiday to the carribean he was bit by a dunny spider on a very personal part of his anatomy,the outcome being that every time he sneezed he has an orgasm.
My oh my she says,how most unusual,what are you taking for it
SNUFF he replied!!!!!
He sits down opposite and begins to read his paper.
Ten minutes into the journey he sneezes and immediately adjusts his person,and places his briefcase on his lap.
Throughout the journey the same thing happens four more times,each time the man gets more flustered.
Are you all right enquires the lady,Yes of course says the man,its just that I have a rare medical condition and prefer not to talk about it,thank you.
The lady assures him that there is nothing to be afraid of,she tells him that she has been a doctor specialising in rare tropical diseases for over forty years and there is absolutely nothing that he could tell her that would worry,upset or embarrass her.
Well he says,on a recent holiday to the carribean he was bit by a dunny spider on a very personal part of his anatomy,the outcome being that every time he sneezed he has an orgasm.
My oh my she says,how most unusual,what are you taking for it
SNUFF he replied!!!!!