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Clerical Errors

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  • Clerical Errors

    Father Murphy and Sister Aquinus are on a european motoring holiday when by perchance they arrive in Transilvania(its a joke for gods sake not a travel programme)They pull up at a crossroads when out from the undergrowth jumps the biggest werewolf you have ever seen.

    What in gods name are we going to do Father screams Sister Aquinus,

    I dont know says Father Murphy,and to be sure I dont have any holy water with me at all at all.

    Having a flash of inspiration the good Father asks if the Sister has her rosary about her person

    I do so Father,do you want me to pray for our souls,

    No says Father Murphy,wave your rosary at him,show him your cross.

    With out more ado,Sister Aquinus winds down her window and in a very loud voice shouts
    " I wish you would get the feck out the way,we still have a long way to go"