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Blonde nurse

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  • Blonde nurse

    A stunning blonde nurse is having her very first game of golf.
    She has a practice swing and then addresses the ball.
    She goes through in her mind everything her golf coach had taught her and begins her swing.
    She powers through the ball but catches it in a dreadful slice and it shoots off at high speed straight through the trees towards the 12th hole.

    A gut wrenching howl of pain is heard from somewhere behind the trees.

    The blonde nurse drops her club and runs off to help the injured person, as she gets to the other side of the trees she see's and older man clutching both hands to his groin with his face contorted by the pain.

    She feels awful and goes to the injured man to offer her professional help.

    She gently takes his hands away from his groin and slips her hand down inside his trousers and gently massages his balls.

    The man continues to groan in pain so she continues to rub.

    After 10 minutes the man eventually manages a smile.

    "Is that better?" asks the blonde nurse

    "Yes love, it's great.......but my thumb still really ####ing hurts"

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."