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New Driving Law

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  • New Driving Law

    In order to assist other motorists in identifying potentially dangerous drivers, it's now compulsory for anyone with lower than average driving ability and intelligence to display a warning flag, comprising of a red cross on a white background, attached to the top of at least one door of their vehicle. For drivers of exceptionally low ability & intelligence, additional flags are required.

  • #2


    • #3
      Bugger - I got two
      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        Does it count if its attached to the nudgebar of a LARGE 4x4?


        • #5
          WARNING DO NOT ATTACH ONE TO YOUR RUBBER AERIAL...guess who lost his???


          • #6
            Lost aerial or flag or both Taz? Tried mine on my cb whip on the sparewheel carrier. Bit too flexible LOL
            I NEED TO OFFROAD!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Danno
              Lost aerial or flag or both Taz? Tried mine on my cb whip on the sparewheel carrier. Bit too flexible LOL
              Both mate...The flag twisted n twisted and snapped the bugger at the base.


              • #8
                My two are cable tied to the roof bars

                They bend a bit, make a hell of a racket but survive 70mph

                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  So where do the BMW drivers come into this as they seem to have their brains removed to own one.......i did like it today when one tried to argue with me in a 44tonner when i shut the door on a round about where i needed all the road to prevent taking the railings out.....
                  Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                  • #10
                    I used to think all BMW drivers were arrogant pigs, but ve ave mellowed ze liddle bit now. Now I just hate everyone. Rule number 1 - watch out for old blokes wearing caps in the car in summer, it boils their brains, and keep away from Volvo's!

                    Seriously I nearly got caught up in an incident at the Dartford tunnel the other day, I got badly cut up by a nutter in a white LandRover discovery, I think he was trying to get away from someone and nearly hit me in the process, he was cutting lanes all through the tunnel (not allowed) so if you see one with a wheel cover that say's "Support your local Bandit" on the back save a peice for me cos I really really wanted to fight him for a few minutes there lol. road rage eh
                    ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


                    • #11
                      I got shouted at by a Paj driver the other day - all 5ft nothing of her! In Manchester 5ft nothing woman gets out to shout abuse at 6ft bloke.... erm Hello! I might not have been the passive bloke I actually am!

                      And all because I didn't let her out of a junction! She tried to use the size of her Paj to bully her way in in front of me.... er? equal sized 4x4 but mines older with added dents and bullbars.... Then because I didn't let her, she gets out and has a rant at me!
                      "How rude was that, I've been waiting for ages to get out of there"
                      "er, it was my right of way"
                      "and you come roaring round like that"
                      "er, I was crawling in traffic in 1st"
                      "what was the point of that?"
                      "er, it was my right if way?"
                      "what if a child had come out?"
                      "of a junction? what would it have been driving?"
                      "and look how far it got you!"
                      "er, about a car's length in front of you?"
                      at this point my electrics went all peculiar and the stereo got louder whilst the window simultaneously closed, how odd.

                      Ironically, until she tried to bully her way in, I was going to let her out!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by andy
                        In order to assist other motorists in identifying potentially dangerous drivers, it's now compulsory for anyone with lower than average driving ability and intelligence to display a warning flag, comprising of a red cross on a white background, attached to the top of at least one door of their vehicle. For drivers of exceptionally low ability & intelligence, additional flags are required.
                        thank gawd mine is a Welsh one then!!

