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Blowing Chunks

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  • Blowing Chunks

    Dave is sitting his in local when the bartender approaches to asks what's his poison, to which Dave replies "just a lemonade tonight Bill, I had the worst night last night after leaving here. I was so drunk that when I got home I blew chunks."

    "Oh, thats nothing. It happens to everyone now and then. Dont let it put you off drinking, you can just deal with the aftermath will a mop and bucket." said the barkeep.

    "It doenst bother you?"

    "Not in the slightest, I bet everyone in here has done something similar at some point."

    "Ok, it'll be a pint of guiness for me!"

    A few days later, Bill is out for a walk when he spots Dave sitting on a bench looking glum.

    "Whats the matter Dave?"

    "Wife left me because I blew chunks again the other night!"

    "Your kidding me?" Bill replies.

    "No", says Dave "anyway cant stop, I'm just walking the dog. Come here Chunks! Here boy!!!"
    No matter how bad it gets, if you're still alive it's just another bad day.