A blonde is driving behind a truck along a dual carraigeway, she pulls up next to him and shouts " your losing your load". " No I'm not says the driver" and pulls away.Another couple of minutes, and she again pulls up the side and shouts " sorry, but your losing your load". The driver, now gettiing a bit irate, shouts " no i'm not, and leave me alone". The blonde is quite adamant that she knows what she's talking about, pulls up in front of him and he has to stop abruptly!!. "Listen , she says, I know what I'm talking about, you are clearly losing your load.
The driver now raging with anger, tells her " and I know what I'm talking about you dozy cow!!!, I'm ####ing gritting!!!!!"
The driver now raging with anger, tells her " and I know what I'm talking about you dozy cow!!!, I'm ####ing gritting!!!!!"