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  • heaven

    a women dies and goes to heaven, while on the guided tour from God, she hears a bunch of people screaming and crying.

    "what's that all about?, she asks God.

    "don't panic child, it's just the pain of the holes being drilled for the wings"

    the woman pauses, then thinks a little pain for eternity in heaven is worth it until she hears another bunch of people screaming so loudly and terrifyingly that she stops and asks the same question again.

    "oh. well my child. the holes we drill in your head for the halo hurt more than you could probably imagine"

    at this point the woman stops and says, "well i think i'd rather go to hell then please God" to which the lord replies " but you get eternity of rape and buggery in hell"

    the woman answers - "yeah....but i've already got the holes for that!"
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...