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Christmas Joke

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  • Christmas Joke

    Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by St. Peter at the Pearly

    'In honour of this Holy Season' St Peter said 'You must each possess
    something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven'

    The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He
    flicked it on 'It represents a candle' he said

    'You may pass through the pearly gates' said St Peter.

    The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He
    rattled them and said 'They're bells'.

    St Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'.

    The third man started desperately searching through his pockets and
    finally pulled out a pair of womans panties.

    St Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked 'And what do
    those symbolize?

    The Man replied ...
    'These are Carols'
    I'm a custard donut monster

  • #2

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer


    • #3
      A bigger joke is over here in Canada is we are now being told not to use the word "Christmas" because it might offend the non Christians of this country.

      What is the world coming to?

      Oh and don't call your teddy bears Mohammed or you will be gutted and whipped.

