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New Zoo keeper

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  • New Zoo keeper

    The Zoo took on a new keeper. On his first day he was told to clean out the animals . He started with the aquarium. One of the fish bit him so he hit it with a shovel and killed it. Thinking to himself I am going to have to get rid of it before the bosses notice he fed it to the lions.
    Next he was cleaning the monkeys .Yet again one of them bit him so he hit it with the shovel and killed it. Once again he fed it to the lions.
    Next he was in with the bees collecting honey when he was stung repeatedly so he started waving the shovel about killing loads of bees.He shovelled the bees up and fed them to the lions.
    Next day a new lion arrived and was walking in the compound and asked another lion what the food was like .He replied 'great .Yesterday we had Fish, Chimps, And Mushy Bees .'
    HELEN xx