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What's up with the NHS? 1

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  • What's up with the NHS? 1

    Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
    Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

    Both subsequently died in the ambulance and the PCT set up an enquiry, which
    came to the following conclusions:

    1. The 50 mile journey to the nearest casualty department was in the
    couples' best interests.

    2. The fact that there was no local bed in which Jack could mend his head
    was unfortunate but no targets had been breached and he had been offered a

    3. The lack of vinegar and brown paper was not material to the man's death
    as NICE had not yet decided whether it was cost-effective and in any case
    both the brown paper nurse and the vinegar nurse were away on courses.

    4. The GP was most to blame and should be suspended and referred to the GMC
    as he had:

    a. Not reported Jack and Jill's lack of water to social services;

    b. Failed to recognise that anyone going UP the hill to fetch a pail of
    water must be seriously demented;

    c. Had not involved the Falls Coordinator which resulted in Jill tumbling
    after Jack.
    =SOLD UP!=