A blond walks into a pharmacy and asks the assistant for some
rectum deodorant.The pharmacist,a little bemused,explains
to the woman they dont sell rectum deodorant and never have.
Unfazed the blonde assures the pharmacist that she has been
buying the stuff from this store on a regular basis and would like
some more
I'm sorry says the pharmacist We dont have any !
But i always buy it here says the blonde
Do you have the container that it came in ? asks the pharmacist
YES says the blonde I'II go home and get it.
She returned with the container ands hands it to the pharmacist
who looks at it and says to her This is just a normal stick of
underarm deodorant
Annoyed the blonde snatches the container back and reads aloud
from the container........
wait for it !
here it comes !!!!
rectum deodorant.The pharmacist,a little bemused,explains
to the woman they dont sell rectum deodorant and never have.
Unfazed the blonde assures the pharmacist that she has been
buying the stuff from this store on a regular basis and would like
some more
I'm sorry says the pharmacist We dont have any !
But i always buy it here says the blonde
Do you have the container that it came in ? asks the pharmacist
YES says the blonde I'II go home and get it.
She returned with the container ands hands it to the pharmacist
who looks at it and says to her This is just a normal stick of
underarm deodorant
Annoyed the blonde snatches the container back and reads aloud
from the container........
wait for it !
here it comes !!!!