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Space shuttle

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  • Space shuttle

    There is a Space Shuttle mission to the moon with TWO monkeys and a woman on board. The ground control centre in the US called: "Monkey number 1, Monkey number 1 to the television screen." The monkey ran to the screen and sat down. The controller then said: "I want you to release the pressure in compartment 1, increase the temperature on engine 4 and check the oxygen flow to the reactors." The monkey 'screeched', then jumped up and released the pressure, increased the temperature, and checked the oxygen flow.

    A few moments later the ground control centre called again: "Monkey number 2, monkey number 2 to the television screen." The second monkey ran to the screen and sat down. The controller said: "I want you to add Carbon Dioxide to room 4, stop the fuel injection to engine 3 and calculate the level of solar radiation." The second monkey 'screeched' jumped up and added the carbon dioxide, stopped the fuel injection and calculated the solar radiation.

    A few moments later ground control called again: "Woman, to the television screen. Woman to the television screen." She came to the screen and sat down, and just as the controller was about to tell her what to do she said... "I know, I know! Feed the monkeys, and don't touch anything!"