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The undertaker

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  • The undertaker

    Bob has been out of work for a while and is desperate. Strolling down the high street he spots the 'Vacancies- enquire within' sign on Jone's the Undertakers window. So, with nothing to lose he steps in.
    The owner greets him with a firm handshake explaining that he's desperate for a break and that young folk of today are not interested in working etc and that Bob has got the job for just enquiring!
    So Mr Jones explains the role,getting the body ready for burial- the bodies come in, you lay them on the table, clean and wash them down, set the limbs and then cover them with a cloth.
    Bob says "piece of $$$$ Guv' I can do that" and over the next few weeks he demonstrates a marvellous apptitude for the work. The bodies are being laid on the slate, washed and cleaned, limbs set and then covered with ease and efficiency.
    Mr Jones is chuffed to bits with Bobs work and finally states he is going to take a well earned break, but supplies Bob with his mobile number just in case.
    Old Mr Jones has just settled on his deck chair on Sherringham beach when his phone rings- its Bob "GUV,GUV you've gotta come back -this body- Icant do it, its feckin' freaking me out!!"
    Oh $$$$$$$$ thinks Mr Jones and drives back to the office.
    He looks at the body on his return and see's nothing wrong and asks Bob what the problem is. "well" explained Bob "I put the body on the table, washed and cleaned it down, went to set the limbs. and, well feck me if there aint a feckin prawn sticking up between her legs!!!"
    Mr Jones looks down and replies "Bob, its a clitoris"
    "well it fleckin tasted like a prawn!" replied Bob.

    If it aint broke dont fix it