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Two elephants walk off a cliff

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  • Two elephants walk off a cliff

    Boom Boom
    I used to have a surf me!

  • #2
    Lets have an 'elephant joke' thread........

    Why has an elephant got four feet?

    Because it would look stupid with six inches.


    • #3
      Why are elephants all wrinkly?

      Have you ever tried ironing one?


      • #4
        An elephant at the zoo is suffering from chronic diorehea. Three eminent vets are called in, they can't cure it so they get a huge cork and shove it up Nelly's ass as a temporary measure.

        After six months poor Nelly is about to explode and the vets decide that they have to remove the cork to save the elephant from further distress. Trouble is none of the vets want to do it as they know what will happen when they do. Their brainwave is to get a monkey and using a mock up elephants rear end, train it how to pull the cork out.

        The big day comes and they stick the monkey next to Nelly and one vet stands 10 meters away, the other 100 and the final one 300m....they all shout GO and the monkey pulls the cork out.

        The sky is blackened.......after the s**t settles, the vet 300 meters away has a little on his shoes so he dosn't really care....he wades over to the vet 100 meters away. He is up to his waist in elephant dung and a little cheesed off as it smells terrible. They both swim over to the scientist 10 meters away and they have to dig him out. He's covered...its dripping from his nose, from his mouth everywhere and he's laughing his head off. They look at him somewhat 'gone out' and ask him why he's laughing after being covered in six feet deep of stinking elephant s**t. He says ''f**k me! You should have seen the monkey trying to put the cork back in''!!!!!!!!

