Bloke walks into a pub in wales and orders a pint. Whilst looking round the pub he sees an old chap sitting in the corner with a completley flat head and a huge cauliflower ear. The bloke starts to laugh and draws the attention of the barman. The barman says to him " that man is a local hero round here. A few years ago the local pit started to collapse and he propped the falling roof beam up with his head.He saved hundreds of lives"
"That amazing" said the bloke, "But whats with that huge cauliflower ear"
"Ah" says the barman "Thats where they bashed him under it with a ledge hammer".
"That amazing" said the bloke, "But whats with that huge cauliflower ear"
"Ah" says the barman "Thats where they bashed him under it with a ledge hammer".