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The Greek

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  • The Greek

    A tourist was on holiday on a Greek Island when he met a fisherman with a head the size of a tennis ball.
    "Why is your head so small?" he asked the fisherman.
    "Well" said the fisherman "many years ago I caught a mermaid in my nets. I was going to sell her to a marine park when she said.
    "Let me go and I will grant you three wishes."
    "I would like a new fishing boat" he said, and lo and behold a brand new trawler appeared.
    "I would like to be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams" he said, and lo and behold the trawler was weighted down with gold bars.
    The fisherman then thought how loveley the mermaid was and said.
    "For my third and last wish I would like to make love to you."
    "But you cant," said the mermaid "I am only half a woman."
    "Well," said the fisherman.
    ."How about giving me a little HEAD?"
