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vietnam at xmas

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  • vietnam at xmas

    Boy - "Mummy, do they have christmas decorations in vietnam?"

    Mum - "No, but this year they might be hanging Glitter!"
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    What was Gary Glitter doing in C&A?
    He heard boys pant were half off!

    How do you save Gary Glitter from drowning?
    Throw him a boy.

    What is the difference between Gary Glitter and whiskey?
    Nothing, they both come in small tots.

    What is the difference between Gary Glitter and a greyhound?
    Greyhounds wait for the hares.

    I hear Gary Glitter is going to be the next Dr Who...
    ... apparently he will have two assistants, K9 and Stacey, eleven.

    Did you hear about Gary Glitter's holiday?
    He went to Tampa with the children.

    Whats 3 feet tall and stands at the end of the cot?
    Gary Glitters boots.


    • #3
      family forum....
      it's in me shed, mate.

