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Evil women!

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  • Evil women!

    Two guys and a woman were going through selection for the CIA. The instructor called each one forward in turn for their final test.
    "to be sure that you are right for the job, behind this door you will find your loved one. We want you to go in and shoot them with this pistol".
    The first guy answers "I love my wife to much, I could never do that to her".
    "Don't worry" Says the instructor,and dismisses him from the program.
    The second guy comes forward, takes the gun and enters the room. Silence. After five minutes the guy comes out crying. "I looked into the eyes of my wife and realised that I love her too much".
    "Don't worry, you did well to get this far" replies the instructor, and dismisses him too.
    With that, the woman steps forward and enters the room. Six shots are heard and then a great deal of crashing and banging.
    Finally the woman steps out, beads of sweat dripping from her. She turned to the instructor and asked "Whats going on? The gun was loaded with blanks, so in the end I had to beat him to death with a chair"!

    The moral - don't mess with women, they don't play fair!