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A little round of holy golf

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  • A little round of holy golf

    A priest and a nun are taking a rare afternoon off and enjoying a round of golf.
    The priest steps up to the first tee, takes an almighty swing but misses the ball entirely.
    "Sh** i missed", he yells.
    The good sister tells him to watch his language. But on his next swing, he misses once more.
    "Sh** I missed." he says.
    "Father, i'm not going to play with you if you keep up this swearing". the nun says sternly.
    The priest promises to mind his language in future and so the round continues.
    However on the fourth tee the same thing happens and he swears once again.
    "Father George!" the sister scolds, visibly angry with the priest.
    "God is going to strike you down dead if you keep on swearing like that."
    On the next tee, Father George fails to hit the ball yet again.
    "Sh** I missed," comes the inevitable reply.
    A terrible rumbling begins and a huge bolt of lightning comes out of the sky, striking Sister Mary dead in her tracks.
    A moment later, a booming voice from the heavens announces:
    "Sh** I missed."
    HELEN xx

  • #2
    mother superior makes an announcement to the convent...
    "We've got a case of chlamydia in the convent!"

    one nun whispers to the other
    "at least we won't have to drink that cheap lambrini!"
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      play the devil

      One day, God and the Devil decide to play a round of golf. they toss a coin and the Devil tees off with a nice drive straight down the middle of the fairway.

      God tees off with an awful shot, sliced into the rough. A squirrel running along grabs the ball in his mouth and scampers away. As the squirrel is leggin' it, an eagle comes out of the sky and snatches it up in it's beak, flying high into the sky when it's hit by a bolt of lightning, frying it instantly. The golf ball falls to the ground and into the 1st hole.."hole in one".

      The Devil turns to God and says "Are you gonna play golf or just F**K around all day..??"

