Three women died in a car crash and entered heaven, as they reached the Pearly Gates they saw a sign which read.
Anyway two days later as they were strolling around meeting old friends one of the women stepped on a small bush and heard a strangled QUaaaaaCK.
Straight away St Peter arrived leading the most ugly man you have ever seen and promptly handcuffed him to the woman saying " Because you killed the Duck you will spend eternity chained to this man" and then he left.
Three weeks later the two women that were left were going on a picnic in the countryside ( its my heaven so I can imagine it any way I want ). When they settled down for their picnic one of the women lay down not noticing that a Duck had waddled up behind her QUaaaaaaaCK another dead Duck.
Here comes Pete with another seriously ugly guy and chained him to the woman saying " Because you killed the Duck you will spend eternity chained to this man" and then he left
Roughly a week later the last woman was riding a kangeroo through a dentists surgery ( I told you it was my Heaven ) when along came St you know who with the most handsome man you,ve ever seen in your life, chained himto the woman an promptly left.
One month later the man and woman were talking and the woman said to the man, " I cant think why I,ve been so lucky to be chained to you "
And the man said " Neither can I, I only stepped on a ****** Duck
I,ll catch him when the wind changes
BLACK is the new BLACK
Anyway two days later as they were strolling around meeting old friends one of the women stepped on a small bush and heard a strangled QUaaaaaCK.
Straight away St Peter arrived leading the most ugly man you have ever seen and promptly handcuffed him to the woman saying " Because you killed the Duck you will spend eternity chained to this man" and then he left.
Three weeks later the two women that were left were going on a picnic in the countryside ( its my heaven so I can imagine it any way I want ). When they settled down for their picnic one of the women lay down not noticing that a Duck had waddled up behind her QUaaaaaaaCK another dead Duck.
Here comes Pete with another seriously ugly guy and chained him to the woman saying " Because you killed the Duck you will spend eternity chained to this man" and then he left
Roughly a week later the last woman was riding a kangeroo through a dentists surgery ( I told you it was my Heaven ) when along came St you know who with the most handsome man you,ve ever seen in your life, chained himto the woman an promptly left.
One month later the man and woman were talking and the woman said to the man, " I cant think why I,ve been so lucky to be chained to you "
And the man said " Neither can I, I only stepped on a ****** Duck

BLACK is the new BLACK