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how to speak pc...

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  • how to speak pc...

    How to speak about women and be politically correct:

    1. She is not a "Babe" or a "Chick" - She is a "Breasted American."

    2. She is not a "Screamer" or a "Moaner" - She is "Vocally appreciative".

    3. She is not "Easy" - She is "Horizontally accessible."

    4. She is not a "Dumb blonde" - She is a "Light-haired detour off the information superhighway."

    5. She has not "Been around" - She is a "Previously-enjoyed companion."

    6. She is not an "Airhead" - She is "Reality impaired."

    7. She does not get "Drunk" or "Tipsy" - She gets "Chemically inconvenienced."

    8. She does not have "Breast implants" - She is "Medically enhanced."

    9. She does not "Nag" you - She becomes "Verbally repetitive."

    10. She is not a "Tramp" - She is "Sexually extroverted."

    11. She does not have "Major league hooters" - She is "Pectorally superior."

    12. She is not a "Two-bit hooker" - She is a "Low cost provider."

    How to speak about men and be politically correct:

    1. He does not have a "Beer gut" - He has developed a "Liquid grain storage facility."

    2. He is not a "Bad dancer" - He is "Overly Caucasian."

    3. He does not "Get lost all the time" – He "Investigates alternative destinations."

    4. He is not "Balding" - He is in "Follicle regression."

    5. He is not a "Cradle robber" - He prefers "Generational differential relationships."

    6. He does not get "Falling down drunk" - He becomes "Accidentally horizontal."

    7. He does not act like a "Total ass" - He develops a case of "Rectal-cranial inversion."

    8. He is not a "Male chauvinist pig" - He has "Swine empathy."

    9. He is not afraid of "Commitment" - He is "Relationship challenged."

    10. He is not "Horny - He is "Sexually focused."

    11. It's not his "Crack" you see hanging out of his pants - It's "Rear cleavage."

  • #2
    yes yes yes, but WHO is she?
    it's in me shed, mate.

