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buried at sea

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  • buried at sea

    Two men arrive at Liverpool, from Dublin to find a new life,
    On there first evening, they are sat in the pub, sharing a Guinness, wondering where the next pint was coming from.

    Suddenly Paddy saw a little old lady crying in the corner, and feeling sorry for her he went to see if he could help her.
    “Are you alright?” asked Paddy

    The little old woman explained that her husband had just died, and his wish was to be buried at sea. Unfortunately she could not find funeral directors that could do this and she was upset because she wanted to fulfil her late husbands wish.

    Paddy, being an opportunist said “ He could do the job for her” and a price of £500.00 was agreed.

    Paddy rushed back to his pal Murphy and explained to him that they had just become partners in a funeral directorship and that the first job was booked in for this evening.

    So the two men borrow a small rowing boat, load up the coffin and set out across the river Mersey. A quarter of the way out Paddy jumps out of the boat and the water comes up to his knees. He looks at Murphy and says “ not deep enough” and jumps back in the boat.

    Out they row a little further then Paddy jumps out of the boat and the water comes up to his chest. He looks at Murphy and says “ not deep enough” and climbs back in the boat.

    They row out to the middle and Paddy again jumps in to the water. This time he goes right under the water and has to swim back to the surface. He pops his head out of the water and says to Murphy “This’ll do Murphy,”……… “Now you get the shovel”
    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][COLOR=darkorange]The chickens are stealing my sanity[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  • #2
    nice one mate

