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please help me find this movie

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  • please help me find this movie

    hi all
    bit of a silly request but have tried a lot of movie forums but to no availcan anyone name this film,it is quite old ,can't remember if it was black and white or colour but here is a quick discription of the film see if it jogs any memorys

    plane flying over desert, plane crashes, all through the film they try and escape the desert but can't,can't go to far from the plane as they keep going round in circles, then at the end they all start to dissappear,1 by 1' big twist at the end is that they all died in the crash and they are ghosts they start to dissappear as there bodies are being found,
    if anyone can rememmber this film i will be eternally greatful

  • #2
    Think you'll find it was this m8y

    The movie was "Sole Survivor" (1970)

    Last edited by Fieldsy; 11 November 2004, 18:35.


    • #3
      hi fieldsy
      i can't remember anyone surviving
      all the way through the film is the crew of the plane trying to get help, its only at the end when you realise they are all ghosts
      what do you think is it soul survivor
      trying to get reviews for this film but it just dont sound right
      might even be older than this one


      • #4
        Im sure its the one m8, here's a rough idea of the plot, see if it rocks ya memory. There isn't actually a survivor of the crash itself.This was taken from a review forum...not my own words m8

        The Plot:

        Returning from a bombing mission, an American bomber gets off course. Richard Basehart's character, Hamner, as navigator or bombadier (memory a bit fuzzy here), has a disagreement with the pilot and decides to bail out, leaving the crew to doom.

        The plane gets way off course in the Sahara and is forced to crash land.

        The crew stays lost in the desert for years (decades?) until they see a plane on the horizon, and successfully signal it. A rescue crew finally lands but, they can't seem to commnuicate with them...

        As the sole survivor, and now a brigadier general, Hamner is brought to the scene to help piece things together. To save face Hamner tries his best to cover up his cowardice. His ghostly comrades, who finally realize their own predicament, inventively do their spiritual best to lead the investigating officer to the truth. A sublime struggle ensues as Hamner has to re-direct the investigation or risk his cowardice being revealed.

        All plot details are tied together very neatly, and I had the pleasure of being entertained by a master scenarist. For example, the sight of their first helicopter startles the ghostly airmen, until they realize what it is, and how much they don't know about the advancements of intervening decades. *Nice*.

        As their remains are discovered, each of the airmen finally moves on. When the positions relative to the aircraft are revealed, the extent of their bravery is too. Hamner realizes just what an injustice he is perpetuating on his comardes-in-arms, and he slowly comes to terms with his own concsience.

        ****************************** **************************

        Whole list of reviews here m8 on the film, you can decide for yourself if its the one you remember


        Last edited by Fieldsy; 11 November 2004, 19:36.


        • #5
          wow what a review
          it certainly does sound like it
          need to try and track a copy down now
          thanks for your help
          off to blockbusters lol


          • #6
            Originally posted by baner
            wow what a review
            it certainly does sound like it
            need to try and track a copy down now
            thanks for your help
            off to blockbusters lol
            Are you sure it could have been flight of the phionex with James Stewart,or am I showing my age.
            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


            • #7
              no sumo
              flight of the phionex was when they built a plane from the wreckage and flew the thing to safety
              thanks anyway


              • #8
                I cant remember the name of the film unfortunately but I am sure one was like this with 3 people in the plane...starred Ernest Borgnine

