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Riddle....oldie but goodie

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  • Riddle....oldie but goodie

    Three students enter store to buy a stereo with only £30 between them. They see an item they like and pay the assistant £10 each for the stereo and happily walk out of the shop.

    Once they have left the shop, The manager advises the assistant that he has made a mistake and that the stereo was on special and should only have been £25. He orders the assistant to return £5 in change to the students.

    The assistant runs out of the shop but realises he can't split £5, so he pockets £2, knowing that he can split the remaining £3 to the three students.

    He catches up with the students, hands over the £3 and so in effect the students have each only paid £9 each which equates a total of £27, add the £2 that the assistant has pocketed and you have £29!!!!!,

    Where's the other pound gone????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    There is no such thing as "the missing pound". The customers have paid a total of £27 : £25 to the shop and £2 to the employee who has stolen the £2. There is no logic in the wording of the riddle when it talks about adding the £2 on to the £27, because the £2 is part of the same £27 rather than in addition to it. ?
    "[COLOR=Navy]Yeah but th[/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo]ats like, y[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]our op[/COLOR][COLOR=Teal]inion man... [/COLOR]"


    • #3
      Nowhere, it's just the way the last bit is worded that's misleading.
      The £27 pounds includes the £2 theft by the dishonest scrote!
      25+2=27, +3=30


      • #4
        Shucks you beat me to it


        • #5
          only just
          "[COLOR=Navy]Yeah but th[/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo]ats like, y[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]our op[/COLOR][COLOR=Teal]inion man... [/COLOR]"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Seangas
            Nowhere, it's just the way the last bit is worded that's misleading.
            The £27 pounds includes the £2 theft by the dishonest scrote!
            25+2=27, +3=30
            and i bought a small kebab with it!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

