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Update - Update - Update - Update

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  • Update - Update - Update - Update

    I folks its me again

    I am still NOT allowed out of bed, so I have gone one better?
    My brother has lent me his Laptop and set it up so I can "Surf" the web and keep an eye on you lot

    A few things to catch up on............................ ...................
    The Contact Cards
    Had a lot of PM's asking for the template so you can print them off, my fault I suppose, I should have said that it is in MS Publisher format, if you have MS Pub then Great I can e-mail it to you (you have to e-mail me your address as I CAN NOT send it through the forum?).
    IF you don't have MS Pub, I have attached the file below as a JPG file (photo file) try printing it out that way...................
    The on-going Saga with the stickers, Sorry folks I should have been giving them to Koi at D/P BUT as you know I had a bit of an accident and never got there they are packaged up and ready to post to Koi as soon as I have his address, I am sure he will put up a post about how to get yours (stickers that is)..............
    My Bike
    My insurance Co got in touch today and have said that one of there inspection team is going to have a look at the bike on Friday, I will know then what they are going to do.
    My house ins Co have said that all of my Clothing, Cameras etc are covered and they will replace them all for me
    Devils Pit
    Have you all decided on a date for the next visit to D/P yet?
    I wouldn't mind comming along but would have to make arrangements to get there (plenty of notice required?)

    Well thats about it Folks, I will be back on, being a pain and Hijacking Threads as per normal, DRAIG M8, its about time we had our own Jokes Section don't you think????????????????????????? ??????????????

    Thanks again for all of your support and very kind messages I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate them all


    Sorry couldn't upload the image to BIG.. I will get it sorted and put it up later.......
    Last edited by colincd; 15 October 2003, 23:01.

  • #2
    Hi Colin - welcome back to the madness!!!



    • #3
      Good to have you back colin. glad to hear your ins co are going to replace your camera's etc. hope to meet you at the pit soon.

      I'm a custard donut monster


      • #4
        great news mate - and hurry up - them girlies are causing trouble already

        I gotta spend this sunday trying to polish all them DP scratches out the Surf now - and it was all Linda's fault for getting lost at the Pit "follow me" she said....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Draig
          great news mate - and hurry up - them girlies are causing trouble already ....
          Getting our own back!!!

          Originally posted by Draig
          I gotta spend this sunday trying to polish all them DP scratches out the Surf now - and it was all Linda's fault for getting lost at the Pit "follow me" she said....
          Wasn't lost - just couldn't tell the difference between green, red and black!!



          • #6
            Glad to see your still in one piece and your comic brain didn't get damaged!
            '94 3.0TD SSR-G Limited Green over Silver, mmmmmmmmmm!


            • #7
              Glad to see you are back with us Colin we need you to bring some SANITY back to this forum. We were all very dissapointed not to see you at the PIT, (well nearly everyone), my kids appreciated your BACON BUTTIES that Linda gave to us in Fleet Services.

              Ohh and for Linda This is Green
              And this is the colour for the RED RUN
              The Runs marked in this are BLACK

              And before you say it the black markers at the Pit were on a WHITE background!.

              Take care

              DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!

