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Crunch! Oh nooooooooooooooooooo!!!

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  • Crunch! Oh nooooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Taken delivery of my beautiful new (to me) 3.0 SSR-X only 23 hours previously and some t**t in a Merc slams me up the rear (so to speak)!!

    He gets out an says: "Sorry, but oh well, accidents do happen - that's why they're called accidents" I could have punched him!

    His bull bars hit the bottom of the spare wheel and pushed it into the door. So now, can't drop the back window because of the dent so can't get into the back. Fortunately, he admitted liability and his insurance will deal with it, but...

    Will insurance companies 'approved garages' be able to get a new back door within a reasonable time? Should I insist on taking it to a Toyota garage? Will they repair it? Does anyone have any advice?

  • #2
    Firstly, has he's insurance company admitted he's liable. I had this about a year ago, when some !!!! went in to the side of me, admitted liability there and then. Once he had spoken to he's insurance company, he denied all liability and said I went in to him...............and its still going on!!!!

    D'ya have witnesses??


    • #3
      Certainly do - the old bill! I've had experience of uninsured drivers before so asked a few pertinent questions. As the 'gentleman' in question couldn't remember who he was insured with, and refused to give me any proof that he was who he said he was, I phoned the police. He admitted liability to them, so hopefully that'll be enough. I'd phone the police in any accident now - you just never know if people are who they say they are!


      • #4
        Hopefully the Insurance company won't play hardball. Sometimes they will deny coverage because if a person admits liability then he is going against the terms of his insurance which in most cases specifies that you should not admit liability in the case of an accident.

        A back door should be able to be got, however the rear mounted spare was not an option in the UK 4Runner so they will need to get it from Toyota who will get it from Japan (or Belgium if you are lucky).

        Alternatively HILUX (Bob) or Streetluge Chris might be able to put their hands on a second hand one for you for an exchange of the appropriate amounts of folding royal families.



        • #5
          Seem to remember reading somewhere that if you admit liability to an accident your insurance company can refuse to cover you as you have removed their right to defend themselves. Don't know where I read it so can't quote any sources sorry.


          • #6

            he hit you up the backside . hes liable if someone hits you from behind it 100 percent there fault . beacause he should have kept his distance ie enough time to stop if you had to break . wich he didnt . no worries mate
            black n tan
            black n tan
            yes i am a dobermann man


            • #7
              Originally posted by slydog
              he hit you up the backside . hes liable if someone hits you from behind it 100 percent there fault . beacause he should have kept his distance ie enough time to stop if you had to break . wich he didnt . no worries mate
              I wrote a womans car off hitting her in the back, She pulled out of a side road straight into the right hand lane of a dual carriageway, I had no chance,
              She said she was going to turn right at the lights a mile up the road
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #8

                Hi There...........

                I had this done to me as well. I was tailed gated by white van man. He had to admit responsibility after the police arrived. His death was in my hands at the time. I insisted that a Toyota garage do it. They had no choice. As for time it took. About three weeks as they had to import a new back door and so on. Mines fine now. Hope all goes well.

                Here's to Senator Kerry


                • #9
                  Help n advice

                  OK - thanks everyone. Hopefully it won't take too long to get fixed... the insurance company have offered me a Freelander as a replacement! No way Jose!! - currently trying to persuade them to find me something else!!

