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Can anybody help!!!! Turbo Probs

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  • Can anybody help!!!! Turbo Probs

    Hi Guys and Gals, have just had my turbo repaired on my 2.4 and now its throwing oil through the turbo worse than before, after talking to Stevo in stockport I just checked today that the oil return wasn't blocked and it isnt.
    Is it possible that the engine could be over pressuring and forcing the oil through the turbo or is it a case of botched turbo repair?
    Stevo if you read this can you email me your number as it was in my private messages, and as i payed my subscription on friday i cant get at them yet.
    My email address is reg@ntlworld.com
    Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!

  • #2
    If you pull the breather hose from the intake, you'll see if any oil is getting in that way.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Breather pipe

      Hi tony did that yesterday, drove it round the block and the oil was coming from the turbo's direction not the breather pipe, so its running back up the air intake.
      Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


      • #4
        If your sure its all installed properly, I reckon you need to have a quiet word with the Turbo guys...........

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          I was thinking the same thing, but just wanted to be sure it couldn't be anything else before i ring them, didn't want to look like a complete idiot and have them try and fob me off with some bulls**t. Cheers Mate
          Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!

