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Inconsiderate F*$@!?S

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  • #31
    Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
    There is a garage block round the back of my house. There are 39 garages of which 36 are in good condition but only about 12 are used for cars. Three are derilict and the remainder are full of old sofas, garden furniture, lawn mowers etc.

    When I have suggested, to some of the ladies who live in the close at the back, that they would not get their cars broken into if they used their garage , the answer is, "I'm not parking round there and walking to my house- I might get attacked." It is their cars that stop emergency vehicles from getting into the close. It is their cars that cause disabled folk and young mums with buggies to have to push them in the road to get past. All for the sake of them having to walk a maximum 200 Yards!!!!

    It is not much fun seeing your neighbour who has just had a heart attack having to be carried 200 Yards on a stretcher (I think it was a carry chair actually).
    Very good point.
    It's not much fun being the poor B****r doing the carrying either,Join the Ambulance service and you can witness first hand how inconsiderate parking can affect peoples survival!
    Seperate point but do people who have front drive/ garden parking REALLY P**S YOU OFF when they insist on parking their multitude of cars on the street and leaving their parking area unused.They won't use it and seem to get upset when i park outside their un-occupied drive which is the only free space in the road,they then get really upset when i explain that as long as i do not block a car in on the drive i can park there!!!!!
    A positive attitude wont solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!


    • #32
      I love watching the little pratt down the road who has only just passed his test, and is having to find nearly £2000 for insurance wince when i back the towball up close to his precious little roller skate. You can see him mutter if you touch my f***ing car ill flatten you.. I think kettle and black comes to mind when it was allright for him to kick his football against the car and nothing was allowed to be said because he is poor lonely child from a single parent family, or we are racist.
      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


      • #33
        Ah, go on Mark, get yer own back on the little swine. I'm going to do the same when all the little ba....ds round here, who ALL play football outside my place, no matter where they live, get their cars. None of the little cars they can afford can stand up to even a gentle nudge from a 2 ton Surf.

        THe best bit is that when you complain to them and tell them to go play outside their own place, the usual response is "Mum won't let us play outside our house"!! What a bl..dy cheek!!!
        Mike G


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tallyman
          Ah, go on Mark, get yer own back on the little swine. I'm going to do the same when all the little ba....ds round here, who ALL play football outside my place, no matter where they live, get their cars. None of the little cars they can afford can stand up to even a gentle nudge from a 2 ton Surf.

          THe best bit is that when you complain to them and tell them to go play outside their own place, the usual response is "Mum won't let us play outside our house"!! What a bl..dy cheek!!!
          I found that the best way to deal with the street footballers was to suggest, that instead of using our front fence as a goal, they nick some road cones and make their pitch up and down the road. Their ball would inveriably end up under the wheels of a bus or lorry and don't they make a nice bang!
          It's only a hobby!


          • #35
            Last night at about 12.30 some drunken hooley decided it would be great fun to punch my nearside mirror! Because there was blood SOCO have been out. I hope the little barsteward has lots of glass in his knuckles - just wish I'd thought to smear it with dog poo first! Doesn't help that my hubby's on nights so I was a bit freaked out.So where do I get the replacement glass from? I may need the whole assembly yet but the electrics still work so I am going to just replace the glass for now!
            The perils of on-street parking never cease to amaze me.It wouldn't be so bad but I work for a charity and don't earn much.Rude words.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Purpledoris
              Oh forgot to mention, these neighbours also have lots of Buddleia and Leyllandii and after 7pm we get no light on the patio because of their bloomin' trees which must be higher than a house! AAAAAAGH!!
              one word ... BLEACH


              • #37
                up number 2 son's school there's always idiots blocking the footpath - one young woman in a disco too - no wonder we get bad press. anyway i've told my lad not to step into the road and to walk past - if his bag scratches the cars - tough - i'll sort it out.

                however, i've also reported this to the police over a month ago - had a reply back after a week saying they'd let me know in 10 days. so, after 17 days I had heard nothing so I mailed the police again - and again no reply.

                so I've just sent another e-mail to the inspector - with a marked copy to the local tv news so the police can see i've done that.

                wonder how long it will be before they reply this time ay? perhaps catching speeders is better than preventing kids getting run over - or am I being cynical?
                Last edited by Draig; 23 March 2005, 14:33.


                • #38
                  About 14 years ago I worked for a local haulier pulling Frigoscandia trailers. Delivering in London one day I had to enter a Sainsbury site. On the opposite side of the road to the gates was a pull-in, which had been built to allow trucks (of a 12mtr trailer type) access in & out of the site. Ther was this gentleman who insisted on parking his Volvo estate in the pull-in (much to the annoyance of the site & the Met) He had frequently been towed away but continued to park his car there whenever he could.
                  On this particular day I was using a newer 13.5mtr trailer (the ones with the lovely big overhang at the back). I stopped just prior to the entry and explained to the security guard that there was no way I could get in without damaging the Volvo.
                  The Met were called and a very nice Traffic officer duely arrived and instructed me to drive on. Having again explained my concerns about damaging the car his reply was along the lines of
                  "Shouldn't haven't parked there then should he" (with selective expletives removed!! )
                  Unfortunately I caught the rear drop bar ,at the back of the trailer, inside the front wheel arch....
                  and opened the side of the car up like a sardine can.
                  The bobby gave me his collar number and told me to get in touch if there were any probs. I never heard anything about it.
                  NO WORRIES!


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      On my old uni accomodation site, for ages security had been slapping stickers on the cars that people insisted on parking on both sides of a single file bit of road (half on the verges half off) to say they were blocking the paths of emergency vehicles. Everytime the fire brigade turned up they bobbed and weaved until one day the chief just said "OK boys, take em out" and the trucks screamed through wiping out the line of cars on both sides. Over 20 cars got severely damaged in the one incident and as I remember due to the circumstances it meant they were uninsured too.

                      I particularly enjoyed the Tigra that got mangled cos it was driven by some floppy haired eejit who thought he owned the place. As if - Tigra's are for girls, and it looked better mangled
                      Real trucks don't have spark plugs


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Slugsie
                        Got up this morning to find that some git has parked their car across my driveway. I had to walk my daughter to school - in the pouring rain. I am now also 45minutes late for work. I've phoned the police, and with any luck they'll come and remove the vehicle.

                        !!!!ed off, and very wet.
                        Happens to me too a lot... and on a narrow one way street its bad enough getting out as it is... at least one woman Disco owner asked if it was ok to block the drive for 5 mins while she nipped the chemists (of course i said yes cause 1, she took the time to ask, 2, she was only about a foot over the gateway with her nose so it wasent that bad, and 3 i was working on the back bumper anyway *mutters about idiots and puntos*), i am not bothered about them blocking the gate aslong as they ask and dont take long,


                        • #42
                          when we were at college a young lady used to park on the area restricted to the welding department , we repeatly asked her not to park in our spaces ,so one morning when she decided to turn up early ,the site of eight welders carring a mini down the road and placing it on parking meter must have looked strange to anyone that cared to look,one small parking ticket later and we never same her again


                          • #43
                            Slugsie, if you have this problem again give me a shout...

                            I still have plenty of equipment including a set of "snap-on skates" that will help you with this problem... i have had such fun moving peoples cars and turning them around just for fun..

                            It was fun working for the police recovery unit many years ago..


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                              There is no way emergency vehicles could have got through.

                              Hmmm .....Ambos and Gendarmes maybe but not US!
                              Depending on the call will decide what action to take.
                              Believe me a major house fire, and I'll drive ANYWHERE!
                              14ton Scania vs some snot nosed git who can not park properly is going to end in tears.
                              Last edited by simono; 28 March 2005, 02:03.
                              '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by simono
                                oooops pressed Enter twice
                                How can I delete a reply, I know how to Edit
                                Hi Simone,

                                When you go to Edit a post you will see Delete instructions at the top.

                                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

