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club website help

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  • club website help

    i'm in a club and the bloke who runs the website has had a paddy and doesn't want to do it anymore... but... how do we get the name of the website and be able to upload stuff to it? as he won't let us have the passwords for ftp or the name of the people who host the site...

    any help?
    i'm a bit bamboozled to what to do??
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    MATT is it the Newbury Bridesmaids Club LOL


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      MATT is it the Newbury Bridesmaids Club LOL
      sshhh!!... i was trying to keep that secret!
      and trying to get more bridesmaids "in the club"!!!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Originally posted by da SLUG man
        sshhh!!... i was trying to keep that secret!
        and trying to get more bridesmaids "in the club"!!!
        You have to be nice to him, painfull as it sounds, and if he is paying to host the website you could offer to take over the account, or the other way round it is to download the whole website using Front Page or whatever you use and host it yourself on your own webspace that way you have your own passwords, but make sure the site isnt copywrited or just change it a bit
        ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


        • #5
          you won't be able to m8 unless you got he's password and the name of his ftp server. As woodie says, u gotta be nice to him and try to get the details, and if he pays for the server/webspace u ain't got much hope, than taking it over (if he fells obliged to let u do so) or start another one up

