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  • Shopping Round

    Got my new surf a week ago a 97 SSRG 3.0 intercooler beautiful truck dark blue and silver the fastest kind, however the exhaust silencer is on its last legs. Tried longlife got quoted £350 from the flexi joint back, sounds a lot considering its only two sections. Just for the hell of it phoned Kwik Fit answer was that's an import isn't it can't help you sorry. Had a look on milners web site noticed the Lancruiser Colorado silencer has the same part number. Had another go with KwiK Fit got quoted £90. Bugg*** if I'm getting under there if they will do it at that price. with a bit more searching found a price of £50 at buypartsby.co.uk +vat and £5 postage. Might be tempted to get under there again now. Moral of the story check whether the landcruiser uses the same part, might save a lot of money.
    [U]Cheers Ian[/U]