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Could my Surf pass for a 4-Runner?

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  • Could my Surf pass for a 4-Runner?


    I want to start the process of getting my UK-reg Surf re-registered in France (where I live). I've heard various tales about how easy/hard the process is, and as far as I can see the only likely sticky point is the fact that the Suf isn't a European model.

    The problem doesn't seem to be to do with the fact that its imported, just that it won't appear on the registry of car models deemed fit for French roads (no jokes please).

    However, I have seen a French reg LHD 4-Runner go past the other week, so I guess they must be okay.

    So my question is, could my 2.4 litre, diesel, automatic Surf pass for a 4-Runner, or is there anything to do with engine size, transmission, etc. that would make it different?


  • #2
    Originally posted by tamper

    I want to start the process of getting my UK-reg Surf re-registered in France (where I live). I've heard various tales about how easy/hard the process is, and as far as I can see the only likely sticky point is the fact that the Suf isn't a European model.

    The problem doesn't seem to be to do with the fact that its imported, just that it won't appear on the registry of car models deemed fit for French roads (no jokes please).

    However, I have seen a French reg LHD 4-Runner go past the other week, so I guess they must be okay.

    So my question is, could my 2.4 litre, diesel, automatic Surf pass for a 4-Runner, or is there anything to do with engine size, transmission, etc. that would make it different?

    Big problem is that the 2nd gen 4runner was never available with a 2.4 engine, only the Petrol and the 3.0 Diesel.

    Sorry I've got to bite on the roads bit, I would think that a 4x4 of any sort is the only thing suitable for French roads.

    You may get away with registering it as a 4 runner as it was available in Australia I think as a 2.4 4 runner 2nd gen but not in europe.



    • #3
      Couldn't you have problems with insurance and the like....if you had a crash god forbid and had to produce the papers...want would the police think about the registeration docs being incorrect


      • #4
        Well I guess I'm hoping that the 'Toyota Hilux' designation (and the spec of course) would be sufficient to identify the vehicle, with Surf or 4-Runner being a kind of marketing-y suffix (erm...possibly).


        • #5
          Can't you just tell them, its a Jap import of the official french 4Runner, they were sold all over Europe.
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Have you looked at registering in another European country like Belgium or Spain.

            Don't know if that would make any difference but it may be worth looking into.


            • #7
              Re awakening this thread!

              Originally posted by andy
              Have you looked at registering in another European country like Belgium or Spain.

              Don't know if that would make any difference but it may be worth looking into.
              I have a property in France and plan to de-camp at some point. I raised the question of taking my 3.0 Surf over when chatting to friends over there this week. Their view was that the French will only allow a car in that was originally made for the European Market. The Surf wasn't so the view is that they won't register it.

              The traditional method around the rule is to register the vehicle in Belgium where the rules are not as strict, and then re-import it into France by some convoluted use of paperwork.

              If anyone has successfully re-registered a 3.0 Surf in France could they let me know, and also describe the process. It would be much appreciated!



