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3rd Gen Wing Mirrors seized - are they electric or manual?

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  • 3rd Gen Wing Mirrors seized - are they electric or manual?

    Started Surf tinkering and tidying up there's a bit to do, so I thought I would start with an easy job....the stuck wing mirrors!

    Apologies if it has been asked before - I found threads regarding the electric folding wing mirrors and not sure if our's has them*

    I'm assuming they fold in manually, we've all had a go....they have defeated us all

    The angle adjustment buttons works but there doesn't seem to be a folding button.

    I don't want to damage any wiring etc, so wondering if I have missed a button somewhere - or if they are just seized & how to un-sieze them... before I start dismantling...

    Thanks in advance

    *some of the print has worn off the buttons, and pressing all the buttons hasn't worked so far

  • #2
    Mine are electric, no idea if thats an option or an SSRG thing.
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    • #3
      thanks Bogus

      we have the ssr-x so it might be our's only have the adjustable angle rather than the folding option too

      I hope to get them to fold in as we park on the street


      • #4
        Just above the big square switch which changes the mirror angle there are 2 buttons. One selects which mirror you are changing (L or R ). Thats the button on the left. The one one the right is the retract button. If you only have one for mirror selection, Id guess you dont have the retract option
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        • #5
          Thanks bogus, there is a large angle button plus only the L and R button

          The blank (worn off icon) buttons are worn underneath, so I think we must have the manual folding mechanism

          going to try the spray silicone next to see if they will budge


          • #6
            Have been away for a bit, but just wanted to update.

            Managed to free up the wing mirrors, they are manual not electric folding.

            There was a lot of dried muck in there and the silicone spray helped stopped the creaking noise - thought they would snap at first not sure they have been folded in for a long time, but all working now


            • #7
              Well done
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